We found simultaneous decrease of Fe-K line and 4.2-6 keV continuum of Cassiopeia A with the monitoring data taken by Chandra in 2000-2013. The flux change rates in the whole remnant are −0.65±0.02 % yr −1 in the 4.2-6.0 keV continuum and −0.6±0.1 % yr −1 in the Fe-K. In the eastern region where the thermal emission is considered to dominate, the variations show the largest values: −1.03±0.05 % yr −1 (4.2-6 keV band) and −0.6±0.1 % yr −1 (Fe-K line). In this region, the time evolution of the emission measure and the temperature have a decreasing trend. This could be interpreted as the adiabatic cooling with the expansion of m = 0.66. On the other hand, in the non-thermal emission dominated regions, the variations of the 4.2-6 keV continuum show the smaller rates: −0.60±0.04 % yr −1 in the southwestern region, −0.46±0.05 % yr −1 in the inner region and +0.00±0.07 % yr −1 in the forward shock region. In particular, the flux does not show significant change in the forward shock region. These results imply that a strong braking in the shock velocity has not been occurring in Cassiopeia A (< 5 km s −1 yr −1 ). All of our results support that the X-ray flux decay in the remnant is mainly caused by the thermal components.