The steady state of reversible polymer-analogous reactions is simulated by Monte Carlo methods. Two types of sets of relative rate constants were investigated, first, Kl = K, = K3, K, . K3 = (K,),, and second, Kl 9 K,, K, * K3, K, 9 K3, Kl . K3 = (K,)'. For both cases a detailed balance was found. The sequence probabilities depend on dimensionless relative rate constants K, only, while the rates of sequence flow depend on reaction probabilities p and ordinary rate constants k. For the first case, the sequence probabilities obey a Bernoullian statistics, while for the second case a first-order Markov statistics is found. and the reverse reactions are to be considered. These are written kl = k(AAA), & = k(AAB+), & = k(BAB), k4 = k(BBB), k, = k(ABB+), and & = k(ABA), whereby the central monomeric unit A or B within the triad in parenthesis is the reacting monomeric unit, and the sign + indicates the inclusion of both mirror image forms, i. e. AAB + includes AAB and BAA. For the purpose of simulation, the k ( X X X ) ( X = A or B) have been replaced by the reaction probabilities p ( X X X ) , possessing values between 0 and 1, all p ( X X X ) of a set of reaction probabilities differing from their corresponding k(XXX) by the same factor. Important for the results of the a) Part I: ~f .~) .