Due to swift improvement of information innovation in recent times, providing security to data has become major concern and threat to Information Privacy has become inevitable. Data Hiding technology is an efficient way to solve the problems of data leakage and loss of information. Data hiding called steganography is a security method to provide security to secret data which is transferred from sender to receiver from harmful attacks. Steganography is an interaction of concealing a mysterious message inside a cover object which is not secret. There are many cover media like images, audio, video, text files etc. There are many ways to approach steganography like spatial domain, transformation domain, masking and filtering. This technique is helpful because the human eye is quite insensitive to the minute changes that help the embedded data stay safe and secure. The main motive of steganography is to get high stego image quality, low computational complexity, more embedding capability, visually unnoticeable, invisibility, and improved security. A capable steganographic technique must be resistant to any steganalysis approach the secret data is prone to. In this proposed system, implement the GUI implementation image steganography in spatial domain using Least Significant Bit (LSB) where the modified high capacity cover image undergoes the Discrete Wavelet Transformation (DWT) and propose an Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) secret key stego system such that the data is secure. The distortion between the two images in identified with the help of MSE and Histogram analysis.