We investigated the amplitude of medium scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (MSTIDs, with periods 25–100 min) and their dependence on the solar activity using 16 years data of the rapid run‐ionosonde operating at high latitudes (N, Sodankylä, Finland). A deep learning neural network was applied to ionograms to extract critical frequency of the F2 region (foF2) with a 1 min time resolution. Then, we analyzed the relative amplitude of MSTIDs (i.e., foF2/foF2), which corresponds to the amplitude of atmospheric gravity waves (AGWs) causing MSTIDs. The amplitude of AGWs propagating upward increases with height due to the decreasing density of the air, and hmF2 varies depending on local time, seasonal and solar activity conditions. To account for this effect, we calculated a corrected MSTID amplitude by normalizing the relative amplitude for the air density at the hmF2. The corrected amplitudes show no clear dependence on F10.7 during winter (0–12 UT), equinox (20‐01 UT) and summer (19‐01 UT), while a positive dependence of corrected amplitudes on F10.7 was observed during winter and equinox, in 14–22 UT and 15–19 UT, respectively. Corresponding to the dependence behaviors of corrected and relative amplitudes, two likely mechanisms of MSTIDs, AGWs from the lower atmosphere and auroral sources, are inferred. Their subsequent roles in the solar activity dependence of MSTID amplitudes were separately discussed, although in reality, the observed dependence is complex and often involves several mechanisms together.