“…Other types of innovation recognized in the scientific literature are plentiful. Specifically, consider radical innovations (CZAKON et al, 2020), disruptive innovations (MAHTO; BELOUSOVA; AHLUWALIA, 2020), social innovations (CAJAIBA-SANTANA, 2014), sustainable innovations (BOONS; LÜDEKE-FREUND, 2013), technological innovations (TEECE, 1986, SU;HELIAN;WANG, 2014), ecoinnovations (MALDONADO-GUZMÁN; GARZA-REYES, 2020), knowledge innovations (CHIU; LIN, 2019), innovations in business models (SHAKEEL et al, 2020;GULDMANN;HUULGAARD, 2020), management innovations (YANG et al, 2020), health innovation (PROKSCH et al, 2019), innovation capabilities (QI et al, 2020), green innovation (ZHANG et al, 2020), service innovation (FENG; MA, 2020), open innovation (LECKEL; VEILLEUX; DANA, 2020), incremental innovation (RAMPINO, 2011), and others. Clearly, innovation is a construct that is useful for different perspectives of many subject areas.…”