Abstract. We present a comparison of a recently proposed model, which describes the Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering amplitude, to the HERA data.
Keywords:Compton scattering, Regge poles, Pomeron, parton distributions PACS: 12.38. Bx, 12.39.St, Exclusive production of a real photon, a vector meson or lepton pairs via deeply virtual scattering, ep → eV p, where V stands generically for produced particles, is an interesting tool to investigate the diffractive properties of the Pomeron.The linear Regge-trajectory of the Pomeron is,where t is the squared four-momentum transferred at the proton vertex and Q 2 is the virtuality of the exchanged photon. The standard Regge pole parametrization of the scattering amplitude iswhere s = W 2 is the squared γ * p centre-of-mass energy, s 0 = 1 GeV 2 and B(t, Q 2 ) is related to the radius associated with the proton vertex. Models based on the Regge phenomenology have been proposed to describe the Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) amplitude [1,2,3,4]. DVCS measurements are an important source in extracting information about General Parton Distributions (GPDs). These distributions can offer a holographic picture of the nucleon.The DVCS data collected at the lepton-proton collider HERA can help to understand the properties of the Pomeron trajectory. There are many papers discussing in details the form and the values of the parameters of the Pomeron trajectory as well as their possible Q 2 dependence (for a recent review, see, e.g. [5]).In the present paper we compare the model described in Ref.[1] and applied in Ref.[6] to the high-energy data on DVCS collected by the H1 and ZEUS detectors at HERA [7,8,9]. The model makes use of a logarithmic Pomeron Trajectory. The scattering amplitude has the form [1,6]