oxidation by molecular and atomic oxygen has been studied using
Ag38 and Ag29 cluster models at the DFT-PW91PW91/[LANL2DZ,
6-31G(d)] level. The calculated results show that the adsorptions
of O atom, O2, and CO molecule on the silver (100) surface
are all of chemical type but relatively weak for CO and O2 molecule with the adsorption energy of 8.7 and 2.7 kcal/mol, respectively.
Upon the adsorption on silver, O2 molecule was partially
activated and ready to participate in the CO oxidation reaction through
an L–H mechanism. The reaction involves breaking of the O–O
bond and forming a C–O bond. The interactions between the 2s
and 2p of C and O, and 4d of Ag orbitals facilitate the CO oxidation
on silver. However, the CO oxidation by atomic oxygen slightly favors
an E–R mechanism since the adsorption of CO is very weak and
its calculated molecular properties identify itself more like free
CO. For CO3, it is a fairly stable intermediate, but it
can be removed by CO or through dissociation, showing this reaction
path is not favored thermodynamically. The activation energy for CO
oxidation was calculated to be 6.9 and 2.1 kcal/mol by molecular and
atomic oxygen, respectively. Such low energy barriers imply that both
molecular oxygen and atomic oxygen are very reactive for CO oxidation
on silver.