Abstract. The Einstein-Podolski-Rosen paradox highlights several strange properties of quantum mechanics including the super position of states, the non locality and its limitation to determine an experiment only statistically. Here, this well known paradox is revisited theoretically for a pair of spin 1 2 systems in a singlet state under the assumption that in classical physics time evolves in discrete time steps Δt while in quantum mechanics the individual spin system(s) evolve(s) between the eigenstates harmonically with a period of 4Δt. It is further assumed that time is a single variable, that the quantum mechanics time evolution and the classical physics discrete time evolution are coherent to each other, and that the precision of the start of the experiment and of the measurement time point are much less than Δt. Under these conditions, it is demonstrated for a spin 1 2 system that the fast oscillation between the eigen states spin up | ↑> and spin down | ↓> reproduce the expected outcome of a single measurement as well as ensemble measurements without the need of postulating a simultaneous superposition of the spin system in its quantum state. When this concept is applied to a spin 1 2 system pair in a singlet state it is shown that no entanglement between the two spins is necessary to describe the system resolving the Einstein-Podolski-Rosen paradox.