We introduce the new notions of projected distances and projected barcodes for multi-parameter persistence modules. Projected barcodes are defined as derived pushforward of persistence modules onto R. Projected distances come in two flavors: the integral sheaf metrics (ISM) and the sliced convolution distances (SCD). We conduct a systematic study of the stability of projected barcodes and show that the fibered barcode is a particular instance of projected barcodes. We prove that the ISM and the SCD provide lower bounds for the convolution distance. Furthermore, we show that the γ-linear ISM and the γ-linear SCD which are projected distances tailored for γ-sheaves can be computed using TDA software dedicated to one-parameter persistence modules. Moreover, the time and memory complexity required to compute these two metrics are advantageous, since our approach does not require computing nor storing an entire n-persistence module. N. B. was supported by the Swiss Innovation Agency (Innosuisse project 41665.1 IP-ICT). F. P. was supported by the