For an r-discrete Hausdorff groupoid G and an inverse semigroup S of slices of G there is an isomorphism between G-equivariant KK-theory and compatible S-equivariant KK-theory. We use it to define descent homomorphisms for S, and indicate a Baum-Connes map for inverse semigroups. Also findings by Khoshkam and Skandalis for crossed products by inverse semigroups are reflected in correspondence between a G-action on A and an S-action on A (in Sieben's sense [12]). Moreover, they found an isomorphism between the corresponding groupoid crossed product A ⋊ G and the corresponding inverse semigroup crossed product A ⋊S (in Sieben's sense [12]). Khoshkam and Skandalis [6] introduced another crossed product A ⋊ S for S which usually significantly differs from Sieben's crossed product, but have shown in [6] that (A ⋊ E) ⋊S and A ⋊ S are isomorphic, where E denotes the set of idempotent elements of
S.In this note we aim to extend these results to a KK-theoretical level. We use semimultiplicative set equivariant KK-theory KK S introduced in [3], but also slightly adapt it such that the underlying C 0 (X)-structure is compatible with the module multiplication and denote this so-called compatible equivariant KK-theory by KK S .