Education in general and Physical Education (PE) is a time and space where the dimensions of knowledge are taught and learned, as well as issues of human behavior and relationship, both individually and collectively. We are talking about human values and virtues. PE as a curricular subject is undoubtedly a place where values can be taught and lived. The aim of this theoretical curricular study was to analyze the secondary school curricula of six different countries: Brazil, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Spain, Portugal, England. These countries were deliberately chosen according to a basic criterion i) being from different continents, ii) the PE curriculum must be a National public policy, iii) different languages (Spanish, English, Portuguese) and iv) access to the curriculum document to carry out the analysis. We assumed that countries with different cultures, languages, traditions, politics, religions - traditional and new religions - could present different or the same values/axiological perspectives. The results showed that the values most taught in PE classes are respect, tolerance, fair play, teamwork and cooperation - values common to all countries. There seems to be a common feature of what is human (regardless of the region of the globe). There are desirable values that are inscribed in human being, in living individually and together.
Keywords: Human Values, Physical Education, High School, Curriculum Assessment