At present, the US population of about 332 million represents about 4.25% of the population of the world, which is approximately 7.6 billion. 1 With respect to the novel coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), however, even without the effects of the most recent widespread testing, the United States already has risen to number 1 in the world in both numbers of cases and deaths. Further, the number of cases in the United States of approximately 600,000 represents about 30% of the approximately 2,000,000 cases worldwide. Finally, the number of deaths in the United States of approximately 25,000 represents more than 20% of the approximately 110,000 deaths globally. 2 In the context of these ominous forebodings are emerging clinical and public health challenges in COVID-19 of recurring racial inequalities in mortality. Specifically, as of April 14, 2020, in the United States, 32% of the deaths from COVID-19 are among black residents despite the fact that blacks comprise only 13% of the population. 3 These