The specific power output per unit length of large superconducting AC generators is limited by the material properties, of the outer rotor. By manufacturing this component from a high strength magnetic steel, such as is used in. conventional turbogenerator rotors, the diameter of this component can be increased producing an increase in the specific power output. This paper demonstrates the feasibility of using a magnetic outer rotor and shows that advantages are to be gained in respect of generator systems performance and ease of manufacture as well as improved specific power output.
List of symbolsA = electric loading, A/m A z = axial component of vector potential B o = flux density at axial centre of air-cored superconducting AC generator, T. B o = /JL 0 K O / 2 B r = radial component flux density, T H r -radial component magnetic, field, A/m HQ = tangential component magnetic field, A/m K o = superconducting field winding linear current density, A/m L'a = subtransient inductance, H L s = synchronous; inductance of generator with magnetic outer rotor, H L so = synchronous inductance of generator with nonmagnetic outer rotor, H P = power output, W R = winding resistance, O, T ph = number of turns in series/phase ki = magnetic outer rotor factor k w= winding factor k r = radial flux density environmental screen factor k e = trangential flux density environmental screen factor / = generator length, m n =• generator speed, rev/s r -radius of field point, m ri = inner radius outer rotor, m r 2 = outer radius outer rotor, m r D -mean radius outer rotor, m r 0 = mean radius superconducting field winding, m r s = mean radius armature windings, m r x = inner radius environmental screen, m t = winding thickness, m 6 = circumfrential position, rad Hi = incremental permeability H o = permeability of free space H/m H r = relative permeability p = resistivity, flm a o.2 = 0.2% (300K) proof stress of inner rotor N/mm 2 i// = internal power factor angle, rad