The ubiquitous computing system is a paradigm shift from personal computing to physical integration. This study focuses on the deterministic and stochastic service provider model to provide sub-services to computing nodes to minimize rejection values. This deterministic service provider model aims to reduce the cost of sending data from one place to another by considering the processing capacity at each node and the demand for each sub-service. At the same time, stochastic service provider aims to optimize service provision in a stochastic environment where parameters such as demand and capacity may change randomly. The novelties of this research are the deterministic and stochastic service provider models and algorithms with mixed integer programming (MIP). The test results show that the solution found meets all the constraints and the smallest objective function value. Stochastic modeling minimizes denial of service problems during wireless sensor network (WSN) distribution. The model resented is the ability of wireless sensors to establish connections between distributed computing nodes. Stochastic modeling minimizes denial of service problems during WSN distribution.