-Most of the languages support Visual components for a particular platform only. These components and Graphical user interface (GUI) controls are dependent on specific operating system, browser and resolution. Silverlight is one of the Client side technologies in Dot Net to develop rich internet applications. Silverlight provides independent of operating system and browser specific Components and controls. In this paper we are mainly concentrating on resolution independent Visual components. These components will perfectly fit to any browser with m x n resolutions in LCD, CRT, PDA and other devices within any operating systems including Linux. These components and controls are placed with relative position not by absolute position. These controls position, length, height, appearance, effects, style, etc are adjusted in viewing device. The new components and controls are developed from Silverlight base classes by inheriting all properties and methods. Silverlight controls are developed to support all kinds of browser and for all major operating systems. XAML is new Microsoft open standard markup language used in Silverlight to describe GUI. So in this paper we are concentrating on resolution independent Visual components for web application.