In this paper we present and analyse a discontinuous Galerkin finite element method (DGFEM) for the approximation of solutions to elliptic partial differential equations in nondivergence form, with oblique boundary conditions, on curved domains. In "E. Kawecki, A DGFEM for Nondivergence Form Elliptic Equations with Cordes Coefficients on Curved Domains", the author introduced a DGFEM for the approximation of solutions to elliptic partial differential equations in nondivergence form, with Dirichlet boundary conditions. In this paper, we extend the framework further, allowing for the oblique boundary condition. The method also provides an approximation for the constant occurring in the compatibility condition for the elliptic problems under consideration. * EK acknowledges support of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council [EP/L015811/1].That said, the degenerate (or tangential) oblique problem (falling into the class of degenerate elliptic problems), arises naturally in the (geodetic) problem of determining the gravitational fields of celestial bodies [32]. This problem was discovered by Poincaré [34] during his work on the theory of tides. In the case that d = 2, the oblique boundary-value problem arises in systems of conservation laws in [44,11], where the latter focuses on a mixed elliptic-hyperbolic problem that requires the boundary condition to be strictly oblique. For an overview of the case d = 2 one should refer to [27], and for the case d ≥ 3, one should seek [28]. A particular, and broad subclass of the oblique boundary-value problem is the case when β ≡ n ∂Ω , which is in fact the Neumann boundary-value problem.The author's interest in this type of boundary-value problem, stems from applications to fully nonlinear second order elliptic partial differential equations (PDEs). In particular equations of Monge-Ampère (MA) and Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) type. Upon linearising such equations (for instance by the application of Newton's method), one arrives at an infinite sequence of problems of the form (1.1), and as such, the linear theory contained in this paper will be applicable when considering these nonlinear problems. The MA problem arises in areas such as optimal transport and differential geometry, and has been an area of interest, both from an analytical and a numerical computation point of view for many years, see [42, 10, 33] and [8, 31]; while the HJB problem arises in applications to mean field games, engineering, physics, economics, optimal control, and finance [18,26], where [39,23] mark recent developments in the numerical analysis of such problems.It is clear that the linearisation of HJB and MA type equations results in a sequence of nondivergence form elliptic equations. What is not immediately clear, is how the oblique boundary condition may also arise. In the applications outlined above (geodetic problems, and conservation laws), the oblique boundary condition arises, but these problems are not typically cast in nondivergence form.The nondivergence form oblique boundar...