Absract-The paper under consideration deals with the peculiarities of written intercultural business communication from the point of view of its proficient characteristics. The authors have analyzed the notions of "utterance", "text", "discourse" and revealed the parameters that are important for a written text to be assessed as a means of a good background in order to be able to determine how proficient a written business language is. Dependence has been revealed between the proficient parameters and the process of realizing effective intercultural communication. Keywords-a proficient written intercultural business communication, utterance, text, discourse, proficient characteristics. I. INTRODUCTION The modern trends of education in the social, political and economic conditions of our country cover enhanced requirements for professional formation of future specialists, including the development of communicative abilities. Nowadays, there is a necessity to form demand for intercultural communication in students studying a foreign language. The consolidation of the world economies has made business communication the top field of study. Lately, the written form of intercultural communication has attracted greater attention of investigators.Modern surveys are indicative of it.According to N. Medvedeva, "the growing complexity of all spheres in people's lives has placed language proficiency with a focus on writing skills among the most important elements in a specialists' professional repertoire. The ability to write and move with ease across discourse boundaries is an important requirement of successful professional communication" [1]. As a rule, a commercial correspondence in a foreign language is the basic means of communication, besides it is the most economical, quick and efficient way of sending and receiving information. The written form priority in business communication is conditioned by a number of factors. One of the most advanced ones is the factor of the expanded use of technology. Thus, the importance of intercultural written communication aimed at the formation of professional competence is evident and doubtless. Business correspondence being one of the written communication forms makes provision for various spheres of human activities and makes up the basis of diplomacy, commerce, international economy, scientific and cultural cooperation .