We study a finite-difference discretization of an ill-posed nonlinear parabolic partial differential equation. The PDE is the one-dimensional version of a simplified two-dimensional model for the formation of shear bands via anti-plane shear of a granular medium. For the discretized initial value problem, we derive analytically, and observed numerically, a two-stage evolution leading to a steady-state: (i) an initial growth of grid-scale instabilities, and (ii) coarsening dynamics. Elaborating the second phase, at any fixed time the solution has a piecewise linear profile with a finite number of shear bands. In this coarsening phase, one shear band after another collapses until a steady-state with just one jump discontinuity is achieved. The amplitude of this steady-state shear band is derived analytically, but due to the ill-posedness of the underlying problem, its position exhibits sensitive dependence. Analyzing data from the simulations, we observe that the number of shear bands at time t decays like t −1/3 . From this scaling law, we show that the time-scale of the coarsening phase in the evolution of this model for granular media critically depends on the discreteness of the model. Our analysis also has implications to related ill-posed nonlinear PDEs for the one-dimensional Perona-Malik equation in image processing and to models for clustering instabilities in granular materials. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.Keywords: Nonlinear PDE; Ill-posed equations; Nonlinear diffusion; Granular medium; Shear bands
BackgroundThe degenerate parabolic PDE:in which R is a rotation matrix, arises from a simplified model of the velocity field of a sheared granular material [33]. This equation is ill-posed, a property typical of continuum models of granular media [25,31,32,34]. To study the dynamics of this model, in this paper, we analyze one particular finite-difference approximation of the PDE (1.1).More precisely, we discretize in space, and study the resulting system of ODEs, which we refer to as the discrete model. This model is a form of regularization of Eq. (1.1); the discrete model is well-posed, mollifying instabilities at the highest frequencies.