The path planning for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicles ensures that a dynamically feasible and collision-free path is planned between a start and an end point within a navigation environment. One of the most used algorithms for path planning is the Rapidly exploring Random Tree, where each one of its nodes is randomly collected from the navigation environment until the start and end navigation points are connected through them. The Rapidly exploring Random Tree algorithm is probabilistically complete, which ensures that a path, if one exists, will be found if the quantity of sampled nodes increases infinitely. However, there is no guarantee that the shortest path to a navigation environment will be planned by Rapidly exploring Random Tree algorithm. The Rapidly exploring Random Tree* algorithm is a path planning method that guarantees the shorter path length to the UAV but at a high computational cost. Some authors state that by informing sample collection to specific positions on the navigation environment, it would be possible to improve the planning time of this algorithm, as example of the Rapidly exploring Random Tree*-Smart algorithm, that utilize intelligent sampling and path optimization procedures to this purpose. This article introduces a novel Rapidly exploring Random Tree*-based algorithm, where a new sampling process based on Sukharev grids and convex vertices of the security hulls of obstacles is proposed. Computational tests are performed to verify that the new sampling strategy improves the planning time of Rapidly exploring Random Tree*, which can be applied to real-time navigation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. The results presented indicate that the use of convex vertices and grid of Sukharev accelerate the planning time of the Rapidly exploring Random Tree* and show better performance than the Rapidly exploring Random Tree*-Smart algorithm in several navigation environments with different quantities and spatial distributions of polygonal obstacles.