Little is known about the chemistry of the 2-arsaethynolate anion, but to date it hase xclusivelyu ndergone fragmentationr eactions whenr educed. Herein, we report the synthesis of [U(Tren TIPS )(OCAs)] (2,T ren TIPS = N(CH 2 CH 2 NSiiPr 3 ) 3 ), which is the first isolable actinide-2-arsaethynolate linkage. UV-photolysis of 2 resultsindecarbonylation, but the putative [U(Tren TIPS )(As)] product was not isolated and instead only [{U(Tren TIPS )} 2 (m-h 2 :h 2 -As 2 H 2 )] (3)w as formed.I nc ontrast, reduction of 2 with [U(Tren TIPS )] gave the mixed-valence arsenido[ {U(Tren TIPS )} 2 (m-As)] (4)i nv ery low yield. Complex 4 is unstable which precluded full characterisation, but these photolytic and reductive reactions testify to the tendency of 2-arsaethynolate to fragment with CO release and As transfer.H owever,a ddition of 2 to an electride mixture of potassium-graphite and 2,2,2-cryptandg ives [{U(Tren TIPS )} 2 {m-h 2 (OAs):h 2 (CAs)-OCAs}][K(2,2,2-cryptand)] (5). The coordination mode of the trapped 2-arsaethynolate in 5 is unique, and derivesf rom an ew highly reduced and bent form of this ligand with the most acute O-C-As angle in any complex to date (O-C-As ff%1288). The trapping rathert han fragmentationo ft his highly reduced O-C-Asu nit is unprecedented, and quantumc hemical calculations reveal that reductionc onfers donor-acceptor character to the O-C-As unit.Supporting information and the ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this articlecan be found under: https://doi. Figure 6. Selectedcomputed a-spin molecularo rbitals of quin5 À À :a)a-HOMOÀ4( 457a, À1.794 eV), b) a-HOMOÀ3( 458a, À0.651 eV).