Alternantheraphiloxeroides, alliator weed, was grown at five different NaCI concentrations to determine the effect of salinity on factors related to the net rate of CO2 uptake (Pa). Over the range of 0 to 400 millimolar NaCI, P. declined 51%. Stomatal conductance declined in parallel with P. and as a result there was no reduction in intercellular CO2 concentration and therefore no reduction in the amount of CO2 available for photosynthesis. The CO2 compensation point did not change with salt stress. Increases in leaf thickness tended to compensate slightly for the negative effects of salinity on leaf cell metabolism, at least in relation to P.. On a mesophyll cell area basis, soluble protein was relatively constant in leaves developed at 100 to 400 millimolar NaCI while total chlorophyll decreased at all salinities. Dry weight production and P. were closely correlated in alligator weed grown at different salinities. Plants produced less leaf area per unit dry weight as salinity increased, which may aid in water conservation.The PM3 of many plant species declines with increasing rhizosphere salinity (6,10,(13)(14)(15)(16)23). The decline in Pn has been attributed to salinity effects on both stomatal (6,10,14,16,23) and nonstomatal (6, 10, 15, 18, 23) controls of P,,. Although there seems to be almost general agreement that salinity effects on nonstomatal factors (i.e. metabolic parameters; 9) reduce PF, the importance to P, of observed reductions in stomatal conductance with salinity is not as clear. Declining stomatal conductance could reduce P,, by lowering the CO2 concentration in the leaf, as hypothesized for spinach ( 19). In contrast, reductions in stomatal conductance coupled to lowered potential PF, could act to maintain a relatively constant intercellular CO2 concentration (8,18,26), fitting the response of Avicennia marina developed at 50 to 500 mm NaCl and a vapor pressure deficit of 0.6 KPa (2). Further examination of stomatal effects on the amount of CO2 available for photosynthesis is necessary before generalizations can be made about the relationship of stomatal conductance to P, in salt-stressed plants.The fact that salinity changes leaf structure (12, 14-15, (11) which may be more stressful than constant salinity (5). In a previous study, water potential in alligator weed declined in response to increases in rhizosphere salinity of 50 mm NaCl/d up to a final concentration of400 mm (3). These changes in water potential were ofsufficient magnitude to maintain a water potential gradient from rhizosphere to roots and were the result of decreases in minimum tissue osmotic potential. Salinity also had a dramatic effect on cell structural properties of alligator weed as measured by the bulk elastic modulus (3).Having established that alligator weed tolerates increases in rhizosphere salinity by osmotic adjustment, we asked how this adjustment was related to carbon gain. Specifically, how does salinity affect P,, in alligator weed and what is the relationship of the P,, response to changes in ...