A B S T R A C T The objective of this investigation was to determine whether heterogeneity of plasma renin substrate could be observed in states of steroid excess and various forms of hypertensive disease. In states of stimulated renin substrate production by estrogens or glucocorticoids, multiple forms of renin substrate were apparent when stimulation was excessive. Stimulation of substrate production caused by uremia associated with hypertension showed similar results. None, or only trace quantities of the additional forms of renin substrate were evident in subjects with normal or suppressed levels of plasma renin substrate. The additional forms of renin substrate could be distinguished from the normal form on the basis of crossreactivity with a specific antiserum to the normal form, electrophoretic mobility, and kinetic rate constants. Differences in rate constants of the various forms of plasma renin substrate may account for the altered rate of the renin reaction associated with several states of hypertension. In plasma of patients with renovascular hypertension, significant quantities of a protein which cross-reacted with the antiserum but could not generate angiotensin I were observed. INTRODUCTION We have previously described the purification of renin substrate from normal human plasma (1) and the development of a direct radioimmunoassay for this protein (2). The direct assay for renin substrate in normal human plasma was validated by demonstrating a 1:1 correlation to substrate measured by the generation of angiotensin I by prolonged incubation with exogenous homologous renin (indirect method). Results of preliminary experiments indicated, however, that in plasma samples in which renin substrate concentration was elevated at least 2 SD above normal as measured by angiotensin I generation, the direct as-