A facile method for producing unoxidized, pristine graphene under biologically benign conditions is essential for widespread biomedical applications of graphene. Rate of exfoliation, scalability, high quality, controlled functionalization, size and large fl ake size are highly desired. Rapid production of biofunctionalized, micrometer size, and defect free, few layer graphene (FLG) is reported here. Further, we have systematically examined
Kitchen Chemistry 101: Multigram Production of High Quality Biographene in a Blender with Edible ProteinsAjith Pattammattel and Challa Vijaya Kumar * A high yielding aqueous phase exfoliation of graphite to high quality graphene using edible proteins and kitchen chemistry is reported here. Bovine serum albumin (BSA), β-lactoglobulin, ovalbumin, lysozyme, and hemoglobin are used to exfoliate graphite and the exfoliation effi ciency depended on the sign and magnitude of the protein charge. BSA showed maximum exfoliation rate, facilitated graphite exfoliation in water, at room temperature, by turbulence/ shear force generated in a kitchen blender at exfoliation effi ciencies exceeding 4 mg mL −1 h −1. Raman spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy indicated 3-5 layer, defect-free graphene of 0.5 µm size. Graphene dispersions loaded on a cellulose paper (650 µg cm −2 ) showed the fi lm conductivity of 32 000 S m −1 , which is much higher than graphene/polymer composites. Our method yielded ≈7 mg mL −1 , BSA-coated graphene with controllable surface charge, which is stable under wide ranges of pH (3.0-11) and temperature (5.0-50 °C), and in fetal bovine serum, for more than two months.These fi ndings may lead to the large scale production of graphene for biological applications.