Practical structural engineering problems often exhibit a significant degree of uncertainty in the material properties being used, the dimensions of the modeled structures, the magnitude of loading forces, etc. In this paper, we consider two beam models: a cantilever beam clamped at one end and a beam clamped at both ends. We consider a static and a dynamic load. The material uncertainty resides in the Young's modulus, which is either modeled by means of one random variable sampled from a univariate Gamma distribution or with multiple random variables sampled from a Gamma random field. The Gamma random field is generated starting from a truncated Karhunen-Loève expansion of a Gaussian random field, followed by a transformation. Three different responses are considered: the static elastic response, the dynamic elastic response and the static elastoplastic response. The first two respectively simulate the spatial displacement of a concrete beam and its frequency response function in the elastic domain. The third one simulates the spatial displacement of a steel beam in the elastic as well as in the plastic domain. The plastic region is governed by the von Mises yield criterion with linear isotropic hardening. In order to compute the statistical quantities of the static deflection and frequency response function, Multilevel Monte Carlo (MLMC) is combined with a Finite Element solver. This recent sampling method is based on the idea of variance reduction, and employs a hierarchy of finite element discretizations of the structural engineering model. The good performance of MLMC arises from its ability to take many computationally cheap samples on the coarser meshes of the hierarchy, and only few computationally expensive samples on the finer meshes. In this paper, the computational costs and run times of the MLMC method are compared with those of the classical Monte Carlo method, demonstrating a significant speedup of up to several orders of magnitude for the studied cases. For the static elastic response, the deflection of the beam including uncertainty bounds in the spatial domain is visualized. For the static elastoplastic response, the focus lies on the visualization of a force deflection curve including uncertainty bounds. For the dynamic elastic response, the visualizations consist of a frequency response function, including uncertainty bounds.