Consider multi-path routing and forwarding scenarios in wireless ad hoc networks. Rational and Byzantine nodes both might deviate from the protocol. However, their intentions and behaviors are different. To extend our previous work on generalized second price (GSP) auction for stimulating rational nodes for cooperation, we propose FORBID mechanism in this work to cope with Byzantine behaviors. The core of the FORBID mechanism is a decentralized reputation system. Based on available evidence, each node relies on Bayesian inference to internally update its reputation beliefs that how reliable each other node is. Different from the passive overhearing techniques such as "watchdog", each source node under FORBID actively triggers detection process to collect evidence towards Byzantine behaviors. In addition, FORBID includes a flocking algorithm to allow careful dissemination of reputation information and thus shortens the misbehavior detection time.Index Terms-Wireless ad hoc networks, multi-path routing and forwarding, Bayesian inference, flocking algorithm.978-1-4244-9268-8/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE Globecom 2011 proceedings.