In the last decades many methods have been developed for the evaluation of the quality and impact of both the scientific research papers and scientists. Effectively identifying, discovering, and evaluating high-impact papers using scientometric methods, and adopting reasonable evaluation procedures and methods are vital to stimulating scientists' creative vitality. Examples of methods used for evaluating impact are: h-index and the cited frequency of articles and the number of highly cited papers. Here we propose a new method to assess the scientist impact based on citation iteration. The method was inspired in the PageRank algorithm. In the present study, both the number of citations and the citing publications after each citation were considered. According to the obtained results, the proposal allows a more accurate measurement of the impact of scientific papers. Also, the application of this method, it can greatly improve the judgment efficiency of high-impact scientists. We have also conducted an empirical study at three levels in the discipline of mathematics, namely the comparisons of two publications, two scientists and eight scientists. Results show that indexes proposed in this dissertation designed for the publications' impacts evaluation and scientists' impact evaluation can be used to find the cause behind the number of cited frequencies resulting in the impact difference. The Q-index for publications' impacts evaluation and F-index for scientists' impacts evaluation proposed in this article can be used more accurately to check and evaluate the impact of scientists. Additionally, these new indexes can be used in the research management of departments at all levels, and can be useful by the states to find leading scientists in several fields.