Selection pressure impacts genomes unevenly, as different genes adapt with differential speed to establish an organism’s optimal fitness. Plant pathogens co-evolve with their hosts, which implies continuously adaption to evade host immunity. Effectors are secreted proteins that mediate immunity evasion, but may also typically become recognized by host immune receptors. To facilitate effector repertoire alterations, in many pathogens, effector genes reside in dynamic genomic regions that are thought to display accelerated evolution, a phenomenon that is captured by the two-speed genome hypothesis. The genome of the vascular wilt pathogen Verticillium dahliae has been proposed to obey to a similar two-speed regime with dynamic, lineage-specific regions that are characterized by genomic rearrangements, increased transposable element activity and enrichment in in planta-induced effector genes. However, little is known of the origin of, and sequence diversification within, these lineage-specific regions. Based on comparative genomics among Verticillium spp. we now show differential sequence divergence between core and lineage-specific genomic regions of V. dahliae. Surprisingly, we observed that lineage-specific regions display markedly increased sequence conservation. Since single nucleotide diversity is reduced in these regions, host adaptation seems to be merely achieved through presence/absence polymorphisms. Increased sequence conservation of genomic regions important for pathogenicity is an unprecedented finding for filamentous plant pathogens and signifies the diversity of genomic dynamics in host-pathogen co-evolution.