The functions of the small DNA-binding protein, gpJ, of bacteriophages +X174 and G4 were examined by in vivo cross-complementation and sucrose gradient sedimentation. The morphogenetic roles of the two proteins may differ. The +X174 J protein may be required for the formation or stabilization of the +X174 prohead.Bacteriophages (X174 and G4 are small icosahedral, single-stranded DNA phage of the class Microviridae. Their genomes are of similar length and organization (6,14). Many of their proteins are cross functional (3).The mature virions contain four structural proteins: the major coat protein, gpF; the major spike protein, gpG; the minor spike protein, gpH; and the small DNA-binding protein, gpJ. The least investigated of these four proteins is gpJ, which has been shown to be essential for DNA packaging both in vitro and in vivo (la, 10, 11).The amino sequences of the G4 and PX174 J proteins have been determined (6,14). They are 25 and 38 residues long, respectively. The additional amino acids found in the 4X174 sequence are located in the middle of the protein. The amino termini contain many basic residues. An N-terminal proteolytic fragment of the 4)X174 J protein binds and condenses DNA in vitro (1). The last 13 amino acids are conserved in 11 places. The last seven residues of the PX174 J protein have also been shown to be essential for DNA packaging in vitro (1).In vivo complementation of +X174 J(Am) and G4 J(Am) mutants. To further the in vivo analysis of J-protein function, we assayed the ability of cloned 4X174 and G4 J genes to complement newly constructed J(Am) mutants. The construction of the expression vector carrying the fX174 J gene has been described by Hamatake et al. (11). The J gene from G4 was cloned into the same vector (4). The plasmids will be referred to hereafter as pqXJ and pG4J. G4 and 4X174 J(Am) mutations were generated at the eighth codons of the J genes by oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis (13).To assay the ability of the cloned J proteins to crosscomplement, the burst sizes of the~X174 J(Am) and G4 J(Am) mutants were measured in cells carrying the plasmids. These results are shown in Table 1.Wild-type (wt) 4~X174 and G4 phage produced large bursts under all conditions. The burst sizes of the (X174J(Am) and G4 J(Am) mutants in cells which do not harbor a plasmid were 3.4 and 0.6 phage per cell, respectively. In the presence of either p4+XJ or pG4J, the G4 J(Am) mutant produced bursts which were significantly higher. The (X174 J(Am) mutant, on the other hand, produced a burst only in the presence of p4XJ. These results indicate that the G4 J protein does not productively contribute to (X174 development, making it unique among the G4 structural proteins. The other three structural proteins have been shown to function during the PX174 life cycle (3).
* Corresponding author.The hybrid G4 virions containing 4X174 J protein generated in the above experiment were assayed for heat stability, UV and hydroxylamine sensitivity, and efficiency of adsorption. No differences were observed ...