Solid waste is the organic and inorganic waste materials such as product packaging, furniture,clothing, bottles, kitchen refuse, paper, paint cans, batteries, etc. Management of solid waste; is theprocess of collection, treatment, and recycling of solid waste in a sustainable manner to avoid theadverse effect on the environment. In Sudan waste management is poor and solid wastes aredumped along roadsides and into open areas, endangering health and attracting vermin. Thisdescriptive cross-sectional community-based study with the aim to assess the practices of thehouseholds towards the management of house refuse was conducted in Al-Ozozab, Khartoum,2019. Four hundred households were selected by multi stage sampling techniques from thecommunity and data were collected by questionnaire and observation checklist. Most types (83.3%)of containers used for the waste store were plastic bags. All (100%) of the respondents cover the wastecontainer. Almost all the respondents wash their hands with water and soaps after cleaning. 50.7%of respondents hear about hazardous domestic waste from TV and (19.3%) from radio. More thanhalf (53.3%) of the housesâ level of cleanliness was very good. Factors such as age, marital status,education level, family size, and monthly income significantly influence waste managementpractice. It can be concluded that the household has good level of practice towards solid wastemanagement.