AIMS:To establish reliable information regarding the behavioural responses of dogs and cats to fi reworks in New Zealand; record interventions used by owners, and their perceived effi cacies; and establish the prevalence of fi rework-related injury, and quantify owners' attitudes towards fi reworks.
CONCLUSIONS:The results provide valuable information that is, as yet, unsubstantiated in New Zealand, although potential biases exist due to the non-random selection of respondents. Differences between dogs and cats were likely due to differing responses to fear-provoking stimuli between the species. Owner-reported increase in fearful response over time for comforted animals may indicate a negative impact on the longer-term psychological welfare of their animal.
CLINICAL RELEVANCE:The greater the awareness of effective treatment plans for animals that suffer from a fear of fi reworks, the greater the possibility that this fear can be reduced.Wider dissemination of effective owner behaviour and treatment programmes for fi rework fears is needed to improve levels of professional treatment for dogs and cats.