Due to recent advances in multidetector computed tomography (MD-CT) technology, MD-CT images allow evaluation of both extracardiac and intracardiac anatomy. The images provide high-quality spatial and temporal resolution and are highly reproducible irrespective of acoustic window parameters. MD-CT has been shown to be very useful in the field of congenital cardiovascular malformations, especially in complex anomalies. Furthermore, it can less invasively provide information about not only target lesions but also their surrounding structures including airways and their spatial relationships.Nowadays, MD-CT provides surgeons and catheter interventionalists with precise diagnostic information as well as important information for both preoperative and postoperative management and catheter intervention.The clinical role and usefulness of MD-CT in the evaluation of children and adults with congenital heart disease for both preoperative and postoperative management and catheter intervention are discussed and illustrated with several examples.