The selection of agricultural plants for sowing and planning the economic success in production is done in conditions of uncertainty and high risk. The factors, which cause the biggest uncertainty in achieving returns in agricultural production, can be quantified by the valuation method. The sense, value, manner and process of decision-making problems are determined by the cultural, social, temporal, value, as well as logical context. Fuzzy logic was developed more than five decades ago. T he characteristics of fuzzy logic include operating by fuzzy notions, imprecise authentication tables, and fuzzy inference rules. All these characteristics of fuzzy logic are highly important, especially if we try to exchange or supplement the long-dominating approach of decision making in agricultural management with the descriptive one.The criteria, limitations and performances of measures of alternatives bear in themselves some aspects of indefiniteness: in determinativeness, multiple aspects of meaning, incompleteness and fuzziness. Operational research offers optimization models aimed at finding an activity programme that will yield the best possible results. The models use precisely determined and known data.Constraints are also precisely determined, and the goal function is clearly defined, so that it can be formulated easily and simply. Reality, especially in the agricultural production, however, is different: very often we lack precise information on the value of individual input parameters, or the values of coefficients in constraint and goal functions, and imprecise formulation of limitations themselves is possible as well.This paper presents the valuation method at planning the structure of sowing: wheat, chamomile and mint.