We present a Raman scattering study of Ca2RuO4, in which we investigate the temperature-dependence of the lattice dynamics and the electron-phonon interaction below the metal-insulator transition temperature (TMI). Raman spectra obtained in a backscattering geometry with light polarized in the ab-plane reveal 9 B1g phonon modes (140, 215, 265, 269, 292, 388, 459, 534, and 683 cm −1) and 9 Ag phonon modes (126, 192, 204, 251, 304, 322, 356, 395, and 607 cm −1) for the orthorhombic crystal structure (Pbca−D 15 2h). With increasing temperature toward TMI, the observed phonon modes shift to lower energies and exhibit reduced spectral weights, reflecting structural changes associated with the elongation of the RuO6 octahedra. Interestingly, the phonons exhibit significant increases in linewidths and asymmetries for T > TN. These results indicate that there is an increase in the effective number of electrons and the electron-phonon interaction strengths as the temperature is raised through TN, suggesting the presence of orbital fluctuations in the temperature regime TN < T < TMI.