Objective: The main proposal of this work is to carry out a bibliometric analysis on the topic of ergonomics in occupational safety, focusing on publications from the last twenty years.
Theoretical Framework: Present a solid bibliographic survey on the subject of ergonomics and its variations, including possible illnesses resulting from inadequate practice of activities. In addition, connect this information with the context of good work practices for workers.
Method: The method used was bibliometric analysis, using R programming. The study's main proposal was to collect documents related to the theme of ergonomics from the last 20 years, using the Scopus research platform. The objective was to carry out a solid survey on the subjects related to this theme.
Results and Discussion: The analysis revealed a relatively low number of documents, with 243 results related to ergonomics and occupational safety, despite it being a constantly growing area and present in several sectors. The number of documents per year was presented, as well as the articles with the highest number of citations and their respective journals. These data indicate that there is still a long way to go in the dissemination of works focused on good safety practices in the context of ergonomics.
Research Implications: The analysis developed highlights the importance of the connection between academia and the professional sector, especially in relation to information on ergonomics. This connection is particularly relevant in crucial areas such as construction, industry and the hospital sector, which often face worker absences due to lack of communication or adequate knowledge on the subject.
Originality/Value: The main contribution of this study is to demonstrate the academic evolution in the subject of ergonomics, highlighting the bibliographic growth on the subject. This analysis may contribute to future publications related to the subject.