Predicting the amount of electricity produced in a power plant is very important for today's economy. Oven Power (MW), Boiler Input Gas Temperature, Superheated Steam Amount, ID-Fan Speed, Feeding Water Tank data affect the electricity production. In this article, Etikrom A.Ş. The electricity production amount to be produced in Elazığ Etikrom A.Ş. was estimated by using the data of Oven Power (MW), Water Inlet Gas Temperature, Steam Vapor Volume, ID-Fan Speed, Feeding Water Tank data. Electricity generation amount is used as verifi cation data. That is, by the k-means clustering method, the electricity generation amount is divided into 3 classes (low, medium, and high). 3621 data including Oven Power (MW), Boiler Input Gas Temperature, Superheated Steam Amount, ID-Fan Speed, and Feeding Water Tank data were used after class 3 separation. With the K-means clustering method, 2742 of these data were clustered as low electricity, 296 as medium electricity and 583 as high electricity. This clustered data was given to the Artifi cal Neural Network classifi er. The success rate obtained as a result of this classifi cation is 85.81%. Classifi ed data were analyzed by ROC curve.