The reconstruction of multipolar acoustic or electromagnetic sources from their farfield radiation patterns plays a crucial role in numerous practical applications. Most of the existing techniques for source reconstruction require dense multi-frequency data at the Nyquist sampling rate. Accessibility of only sparse data at a sub-sampled grid contributes to the null space of the inverse source-to-data operator, which causes significant imaging artifacts. For this purpose, additional knowledge about the source or regularization is required. In this article, we propose a novel two-stage strategy for multipolar source reconstruction from the sub-sampled sparse data that takes advantage of the sparsity of the sources in the physical domain. The data at the Nyquist sampling rate is recovered from sub-sampled data and then a conventional inversion algorithm is used to reconstruct sources. The data recovery problem is linked to a spectrum recovery problem for the signal with the finite rate of innovations (FIR) that is solved using an annihilating filter-based structured Hankel matrix completion approach (ALOHA). For an accurate reconstruction of multipolar sources, we employ a Fourier inversion algorithm. The suitability of the suggested approach for both noisy and noise-free measurements is supported by numerical evidence.