who instilled in me a love of learning and encouraged me to follow my dreams. iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS There are a number of people who deserve special recognition for helping me throughout my doctoral studies and dissertation journey. First and foremost, I would like to thank Drs. Susan Peters and Jill Adelson for serving as my dissertation co-chairs and for being great teachers, mentors, and friends. Sue, I will never forget all that you have done for me. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve as your first graduate research assistant, allowing me to attend and present at several national conferences with you, providing me guidance throughout my program, and spending countless hours reading and revising my work. In short, thank you for believing and investing in me. Jill, you have also been such an important mentor in my life. Thank you for expanding my knowledge of advanced statistical methods (including SEM and HLM), allowing me to serve as one of your teaching assistants, and providing valuable feedback related to my statistical methods and analyses on my dissertation study and other research projects. I look forward to our future collaborations.