In this article, we show that all admissible rational maps with fixed or period 2 cluster cycles can be constructed by the mating of polynomials. We also investigate the polynomials that make up the matings that construct these rational maps. In the one-cluster case, one of the polynomials must be an n-rabbit and in the two-cluster case, one of the maps must be either f , a 'double rabbit', or g, a secondary map that lies in the wake of the double rabbit f . There is also a very simple combinatorial way of classifying the maps which must partner the aforementioned polynomials to create rational maps with cluster cycles. Finally, we also investigate the multiplicities of the shared matings arising from the matings in the paper.This research was funded by a grant from EPSRC. Lemma 1.1. There does not exist a rational map F with a period 2 cluster cycle such that the critical points are in the same cluster.Definition 1.2. Let F be a rational map with a fixed cluster point. Label the endpoints of the star as follows. Let e 0 be the first critical point, and label the remaining arms in anticlockwise order by e 1 , e 2 , . . . , e 2n−1 . Then the second critical point is one of the e j , and we call j the critical displacement of the cluster of F . We denote the critical displacement by δ.We will sometimes use the fact that the critical displacement can equally well be calculated as the combinatorial distance between the critical values, as opposed to the critical points. Also, note that if one choice of marking for the critical points gives δ = k, then the alternative marking will give a critical displacement of δ = −k. Clearly, in light of Lemma 1.1, any attempt to use the above definition to define the critical displacement in the period 2 case is impossible, hence we give the following definition for the period 2 case. Definition 1.3. Let F be a rational map with a period 2 cluster cycle. Choose one of the critical points to be c 1 , and label the cluster containing it to be C 1 . Then (by Lemma 1.1) the other critical point c 2 is in the second cluster C 2 . We define the critical displacement δ as follows. Label the arms in the star of C 1 , starting with the arm with endpoint c 1 , in anticlockwise order 0 , 1 , . . . , 2n−1 . Then F (c 2 ) is the endpoint of one of the k . This integer k is the critical displacement, which we again denote by δ.