Abstract.A type of tridiagonal pair is considered, said to be mild of q-Serre type. It is shown that these tridiagonal pairs induce the structure of a quantum affine algebra Uq( sl 2 )-module on their underlying vector space. This is done by presenting an explicit basis for the underlying vector space and describing the Uq( sl 2 )-action on that basis.Key words. Leonard pair, Tridiagonal pair, Quantum affine algebra.AMS subject classifications. 20G42, 15A04, 33D80, 05E35, 33C45, 33D45.1. Introduction. In [1] the authors study the mild tridiagonal pairs of q-Serre type-the main result is a description of the members of this family by their action on an "attractive" basis for the underlying vector space. In this paper we use this action to describe a U q ( sl 2 )-module structure on the underlying vector space of each mild tridiagonal pair of q-Serre type. We do so by constructing linear operators on this vector space which essentially satisfy the defining relations for U q ( sl 2 ) in the Chevalley presentation. To state our result precisely we recall some definitions. Throughout this paper, let F denote a field, and let V denote a vector space over