Abstract. We propose an explicit GPU-based solver within the material point method (MPM) framework using graphics processing units (GPUs) to resolve
elastoplastic problems under two- and three-dimensional configurations (i.e. granular collapses and slumping mechanics). Modern GPU architectures,
including Ampere, Turing and Volta, provide a computational framework that is well suited to the locality of the material point method in view of
high-performance computing. For intense and non-local computational aspects (i.e. the back-and-forth mapping between the nodes of the background
mesh and the material points), we use straightforward atomic operations (the scattering paradigm). We select the generalized interpolation material
point method (GIMPM) to resolve the cell-crossing error, which typically arises in the original MPM, because of the C0 continuity of the linear
basis function. We validate our GPU-based in-house solver by comparing numerical results for granular collapses with the available experimental data
sets. Good agreement is found between the numerical results and experimental results for the free surface and failure surface. We further evaluate
the performance of our GPU-based implementation for the three-dimensional elastoplastic slumping mechanics problem. We report (i) a maximum 200-fold
performance gain between a CPU- and a single-GPU-based implementation, provided that (ii) the hardware limit (i.e. the peak memory
bandwidth) of the device is reached. Furthermore, our multi-GPU implementation can resolve models with nearly a billion material points. We finally
showcase an application to slumping mechanics and demonstrate the importance of a three-dimensional configuration coupled with heterogeneous
properties to resolve complex material behaviour.