We introduce high order Bellman equations, extending classical Bellman equations to the tensor setting. We introduce weakly chained diagonally dominant (w.c.d.d.) tensors and show that a sufficient condition for the existence and uniqueness of a positive solution to a high order Bellman equation is that the tensors appearing in the equation are w.c.d.d. M-tensors. In this case, we give a policy iteration algorithm to compute this solution. We also prove that a weakly diagonally dominant Z-tensor with nonnegative diagonals is a strong M-tensor if and only if it is w.c.d.d. This last point is analogous to a corresponding result in the matrix setting and tightens a result from [L. Zhang, L. Qi, and G. Zhou. "M-tensors and some applications." SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications (2014)]. We apply our results to obtain a provably convergent numerical scheme for an optimal control problem using an "optimize then discretize" approach which outperforms (in both computation time and accuracy) a classical "discretize then optimize" approach. To the best of our knowledge, a link between M-tensors and optimal control has not been previously established.If m > 2, then A(P )u m−1 defines a vector whose i-th component is a multivariate polynomial in the entries of u: (2)). As such, we refer to (1) as a Bellman equation of order m. We are motivated to study this equation since, as we will see in the sequel, it arises from a so-called "optimize then discretize" [4] scheme for a differential equation.Our main goal is to characterize the existence and uniqueness of a solution u to (1) and to obtain a fast and provably convergent algorithm for computing it. If m = 2, existence and uniqueness is guaranteed when A(P ) is a nonsingular M-matrix for each P [5, Theorem 2.1] (along with some other mild conditions on the functions A and b). We obtain an analogous result for the m > 2 case when A(P ) is a strictly diagonally dominant (and hence nonsingular 1 ) M-tensor for each P (Lemma 23 and Lemma 24). M-tensors, a generalization of M-matrices, were introduced in [20,9] in order to test the positive definiteness of multivariate polynomials.However, strict diagonal dominance is a rather strong condition. In order to generalize our results, we extend the notion of weakly chained diagonal dominance from matrices to tensors (Definition 15). By restricting our attention to the case in which P is finite, we establish existence and uniqueness of a solution u to (1) under the weaker requirement that A(P ) is a weakly chained diagonally dominant M-tensor (Lemma 26) and give a policy iteration algorithm to compute the solution (Algorithm 1). Analogously to the m = 2 case, the assumed finitude of P is sufficient for practical applications, though whether this assumption can be dropped remains an interesting open theoretical question (Remark 27).We also establish the following result, which should be of broader interest to the M-tensor community:Theorem 1. Let A be a weakly diagonally dominant Z-tensor with nonnegative diagonals. Then, ...