A digital model of the ground surface has many potential applications in forestry. Nowadays, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) is one of the main sources for collecting morphological data. Point clouds obtained via laser scanning are used for modelling the ground surface by interpolation, a process which is affected by various errors. Using LiDAR data to collect ground surface data for forestry applications is a challenging scenario because the presence of forest vegetation will hinder the ability of laser pulses to reach the ground. The density of ground observations will be therefore reduced and not homogenous (as it is affected by the variations in canopy density). Furthermore, forest areas are generally present in mountainous areas, in which case the interpolation of the ground surface is more challenging. In this paper, we present a comparative analysis of interpolation accuracy for nine algorithms, which are used for generating Digital Terrain Models from Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) data, in mountainous terrain covered by dense forest vegetation. For most of the algorithms we find a similar performance in terms of general accuracy, with RMSE values between 0.11 and 0.28 m (when model resolution is set to 0.5 m). Five of the algorithms (Natural Neighbour, Delauney Triangulation, Multilevel B-Spline, Thin-Plate Spline and Thin-Plate Spline by TIN) have vertical errors of less than 0.20 m for over 90 percent of validation points. Meanwhile, for most algorithms, major vertical errors (of over 1 m) are associated with less than 0.05 percent of validation points. Digital Terrain Model (DTM) resolution, ground slope and point cloud density influence the quality of the ground surface model, while for canopy density we find a less significant link with the quality of the interpolated DTMs.data can be used for tree inventories [17][18][19][20], monitoring vegetation health [21][22][23][24] or generating Canopy Height Models (CHMs) [16,25].The main advantage of LiDAR, with regard to forestry, is the fact that laser pulses can penetrate the canopy cover, with some of the pulses reaching the ground level. Therefore, geomorphological data is collected even if the ground is covered by forest vegetation, allowing the generation of a detailed and accurate ground surface model.In general, a data structure that models the elevation over an area is called a Digital Elevation Model (DEM). In short, a DEM is simply a surface that represents the elevation of a certain area in reference to a common vertical datum. When this type of model is used for a representation of the bare-earth surface, it can also be termed as Digital Terrain Model (DTM). In this paper, we opted for the term DTM, in order to emphasize the fact that the models we analyse, while generally speaking classify as DEMs, are meant specifically to represent the surface of the bare-earth.To obtain such a representation of the ground surface, a LiDAR point cloud must initially be filtered-a process which involves the separation of ground-level points from the orig...