ribsiract -In this paper two methuds are described for Blind Signal Separation (BSq based on Time Frequency Distributions F D s of the received mixed signals. Cunsequently, they are must suitable io deal with non-siationav mixed signals. The f i s t method determines the &coupling system through sening to zero coeficienrr of the ambiguivyfrmrctwn ojthe received mixed signals at the edges of its distribution plane. Computations have revealed that this appronch is on& successfl when their TFD signatures, are pmtialh oyerlapped. when the lFD signahires are highly overlqped an oltemate approach is described that determines the elements of the decoupling system through decorrelating rhe respective rows of rhe received TFD &U matrices. Illustrarive exampler are giwn showing that the proposed approaches work when other approaches based on higher order statistics HOSfail tu yield satisfactofy results.