In many applications, such as teleconferencing, multimedia workstations, televideo gaming, etc., stereo sound is already, or will soon be, implemented to give spatial realism that mono systems cannot offer. In such hands-free systems, stereophonic acoustic echo cancelers are absolutely necessary for full-duplex communication. In this paper, we propose a new acoustic echo canceler (AEC) based on a fundamental experimental observation that the stereo effect is due mostly to sound energy below about 1000 Hz. The principle of the hybrid mono/stereo AEC is to use stereophonic sound with a stereo AEC at low frequencies (e.g., below 1000 Hz) and monophonic sound with a conventional mono AEC at higher frequencies (e.g., above 1000 Hz). This solution is a good compromise between the complexity of a full-band stereo AEC and spatial realism. For the stereo case, we borrow from a previous innovation and add a small nonlinearity into each channel in order to accurately identify the two receiving room impulse responses. Index Terms-Acoustic echo cancelation, adaptive filter, stereo. I. INTRODUCTION I N MANY applications, such as teleconferencing, multimedia workstations, televideo gaming, etc., stereo sound is already, or will soon be, implemented to give spatial realism that mono systems cannot offer. In such hands-free systems, stereophonic acoustic echo cancelers (AEC's) are absolutely necessary for full-duplex communication [1]. Stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation is, in principle, a generalization of the single-channel case [1]. Fig. 1 shows this technique for one microphone in the receiving room on the left; similar analysis will apply to the other microphone signal. As we can see from the diagram in Fig. 1, the two microphone signals in the transmission room on the right are obtained by filtering from a common source. This gives rise to a nonuniqueness problem that does not arise for the single-channel AEC [1]. As a result, the usual adaptive algorithms converge to solutions that depend on the impulse responses in the transmission room. This means that for good echo cancellation one must track not only the changes in the receiving room, but also the rapid changes in the transmission room (for example, when one person stops talking and another person starts). Note that several authors have proposed structures using only a single adaptive filter [2], [3], but these methods do not address the convergence problem discussed in [1].