Abstract-In this study, two research questions "what is the level of villagers' happiness?" and "which factors influence their happiness?" are posed. To address these two research questions, this study uses mixed-methods research approach. Field survey, interview, and questionnaire are performed to collect both qualitative and quantitative data. Final sample includes 155 people.Unlike previous studies which classified their sample according to age and sex, this study classifies its sample into six groups according to their duty of life. The six groups include grandmothers, grandfathers, mothers, fathers, daughters, and sons. It is found that grandmothers are less happy when they have to take the role of the head of the family. Going to pray at the temple only increases the mothers' happiness. Interestingly, there is contradictory evidence of the extent to which loan influences grandparents' happiness. Having a loan makes grandmothers happier but grandfathers less happy. On the other hand, the greater amount of loan they have leads the grandmothers to be less happy but leads the grandfathers to be happier. Grandfathers' happiness is also associated with family relationship and social activities. Interestingly, having hobby makes the grandfathers less happy.