Continuous fermentation processes are usually designed from batch experimental data. These data are often described by a Monod growth model which, with the transient phase or with inhibition, gives a unimodal or single peaking growth-substrate relationship. In the batch culture of S. cerevisiae (baker's yeast) grown on glucose limiting media and P. cerevisiae (a bacterium) grown on lysine limiting media, a double peaking or bimodal growthsubstrate relationship has been observed. The bimodal phenomena could be accounted for by either the synchronous growth of microorganisms (a homogeneous culture of cells simultaneously grow and subsequently divide together) or a diauxie effect (one substrate is selected over another in a two substrate medium). This paper deals with the implications of bimodal growth on the design of continuous fermentation processes. From batch culture data for S. cerevisiae grown on chemically defined media both a single and double peaking model were developed. Digital simulation of continuous culture reveals that the unimodal model has one stable operating point, whereas the bimodal model, for residence times below a certain critical value, has two stable operating points. The steady-state operating point achieved in the bimodal model is dependent upon the initial conditions of the cell and substrate concentrations. These results may help explain the occurrence of suboptimal yields in such continuous fermentations as single cell protein production and biological waste treatment processes.