Secretion of proteins from the growth cone has been implicated in axon growth and synapse formation and might be involved in the transmission of a variety of axon-derived regulatory signals during neurogenesis. In order to identify axonally secreted proteins, dorsal-root-ganglia neurons from chicken embryos were cultured in a compartmentalized cell culture system that allows separate access to neuronal cell somas and axons. The proteins synthesized by the neurons were metabolically labeled by addition of [35S]methionine to the compartment containing the cell somas; the proteins released from the axons were harvested from the culture medium of the axonal compartment. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis revealed two axonally secreted proteins with apparent molecular mass of 132-140 kDa and 54-60 kDa; they were termed axonin-I and axonin-2, respectively. Both axonins were found to be secreted from a variety of neuronal cell cultures, but not from any of the nonneuronal cultures investigated, and hence might be neuron-specific. Virtual absence of these proteins from the axonal protein pattern suggests constitutive secretion. The information acquired on coordinates and spot morphology of these proteins in two-dimensional gel electrophoresis provides a useful assay for their purification.The elaboration of the information-processing network that characterizes the nervous system includes the extension of axons to span the distance to target cells along a prespecified path, the establishment of specific synapses and the differentiation of glial cells interposed between axons or ensheathing them. These processes involve many well-established interactions between axons and their environment. Axons not only receive and respond to signals of their environment in order to tune their developmental activities, but also actively shape their environment. The external activities of axons comprise two modes of operation. By emission of signals, axons regulate developmental processes of adjacent cells and, by deposition of new molecules or post-translational modification of pre-existing molecules, they directly accomplish modifications in the extracellular space.Virtually all types of cells in contact with the shaft of axons or encountered by the moving growth cones have been reported as targets of axonal regulatory signals. Axons exert a mitogenic effect on apposed Schwann cells [l] and oligodendrocytes [2], promote survival of the common progenitor of oligodendrocytes and type-2 astrocytes [3 -51, affect astroglial differentiation [6] and contribute to the development of postsynaptic specialization during synaptogenesis, as indicated by the aggregation of receptors in the membrane of target cells [7]. The possibility of a direct impact of axons on the extracellular matrix was first revealed by studies on the neuromuscular junction. After nerve and muscle degeneration, the synaptic extracellular matrix left behind at the original synaptic site was found to be sufficient to induce the reestablishment of the presynaptic terminal [B...