Using a sequential control variates algorithm, we compute Monte Carlo approximations of solutions of linear partial differential equations connected to linear Markov processes by the Feynman-Kac formula. It includes diffusion processes with or without absorbing/reflecting boundary and jump processes. We prove that the bias and the variance decrease geometrically with the number of steps of our algorithm. Numerical examples show the efficiency of the method on elliptic and parabolic problems.
Introduction.We are concerned with the numerical evaluation of E(Ψ(X s : s ≥ t)|X t = x), where (X t ) t is a Markov process (with linear dynamics) and where Ψ belongs to a class of functionals related to Feynman-Kac representations. These issues arise, for example, in physics in the computations of the solution of diffusion equations (see [CDL + 89]), or in finance in the pricing of European options (see [DG95] and the references therein). Monte Carlo methods are usually used to evaluate these expectations for high-dimensional problems or when the functionals are complex. They give a rather poor approximation because of a slow convergence as σ/ √ M , M being the number of simulations and σ 2 the relative variance. A better accuracy can nevertheless be reached by using relevant variance-reduction tools like, for instance, the control variates method or importance sampling [Hal70, New94]. One of the most performing tools is the sequential Monte Carlo approach which consists in using iteratively these variance-reduction ideas [Hal62, Hal70, Boo89]. Using, respectively, importance sampling and control variates, this approach has been recently developed in [BCP00] for Markov chains and in [Mai03] for the numerical integration of multivariate smooth functions. We have introduced in [GM04] a sequential Monte Carlo method to solve the Poisson equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions over square domains. This method was based on Feynman-Kac computations of pointwise solutions combined with a global approximation on Tchebychef polynomials [BM97]. Pointwise solutions were computed using walk-on-spheres (WOS) simulations of stopped Brownian motion, which induces a simulation error due to the absorption layer thickness. We have nevertheless observed a geometric reduction up to a limit of both the simulation error and the variance with the number of steps of the algorithm. The global error was comparable to standard deterministic spectral methods [BM97] while avoiding the resolution of a linear system. Our goal here is twofold:• to extend the scope of the approach to general Markov processes connected to linear elliptic and parabolic Dirichlet problems;