Tlua paper wu prepared for~semauon aI tic I Y% SPE Europmn PeLIokumCunf.mence kld in Milm, IIIIY. 22-24 I!'w4w 1996. This paper was selecld lor presentatco by tfw SPE Program Ccmmitle.s fdwq _ C4rnfcmmaticm ccmtamed in an abslracl sumnmed by tfw author(s). Ombmts ot Iheã s presentd. fwa not km rwiewed W the SIXiaty of Petroleum Engiwws ard am Wbfectto KJlrq,h~lfw Wllhor(s) Th e material, as presented, dces nol -b rdlect any psttm o It!+ %xiety of Petroleum EIWJimeIS o, its members. Papers Fesenled al SPE meetmgs are su to puhkaticm review by Edttonal Committee al tie Scci* of Petro!e.Im~eers %Lsti to copf IS r.astccted m an abstract of rot more !han X0 wcrds. Ilustratlcos may not by coped. TM abstract sfwukl amtarn R%H'%15%%%!?&Rkhmc15cm, TX7508S+Y3S6 "s.faxol.,,'+w?-,.ts, mt d nbem ar!d by Acw the FE$B! was presented WMe Abstract This paper givesa critical overview of field experience with the use of foam for improved sweep efficiency and control of produced gas in the Former Soviet Union, i n the North Sea and in North America. The field practice demonstrates a wide specter of foam application and reservoir problems which the foam processes-can mitigate.Foam applications are classified as injector and producer treatments for gas and water shut-off. Foam was applied in combination with different recovery strategies such as gas and WAG injection, steam injection, in-situ combustion and waterflooding. The choice of foamer and foam placement strategy are important and depend on the reservoir and type of the problem to address. Many technical failures are explainable by erroneous problem definition.The novelty of the present overview is that it gives a comparison of foam applications in three different geographical areas with different field histories, constraints and requirements on production handling facilities. The review of foam applications in the Former Soviet Union covers field applications of foam in Russia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. The paper also discusses interesting field examples, previously unpublished with application of new foam processes including polymer enhanced foam and foam treatment for water diversion and shut-off.