Access is extremely important for planning purposes for both remeasurement and maintenance crews. Budget estimates rely heavily on the amount of time it takes to travel to a plot and what type of transportation is required (i.e. 4-wheel drive vehicle, all terrain vehicle, or helicopter). Access is assessed using the following codes (see Master Appendix 7 for description). 1-All weather road 2-Dry weather road 3-Deteriorating road 4-All terrain vehicles only 5-Helicopter access only 6-Unknown (office use only) Plot and buffer damage to the plot is assessed using the following codes: 1-No damage 2-Natural damage 3-Manmade damage 4-Natural and manmade damage 5-Closed 6-Over Damage inside buffer greater than 20 m from the plot Code 6 is used to indicate buffer damage only. 7-If there is seismic damage to the plot or buffer that was not recorded on the previous maintenance report, attempt to determine the year the damage was done, and indicate on the maintenance report exactly where the damage is. 8-The lengths and azimuths of the buffer must be recorded on the map. 9-Make general comments on planted trees, ingress etc. on maintenance sheet. Eg. Planted still in bare soil and chloroticprobably from nutrient deficiency. 3.0 REMEASUREMENT PROCEDURE The following procedures are for remeasurement and are to be used whether data is collected on tally sheets or on field computer program (produced February, 1998-see field computer instructions). If trees decrease in height a condition code must be given. If trees over 1.3m in height, the DBH is required. If a tree height grows only 2 to 3 cm in 2 or 3 years then something is wrong. Give trees an appropriate condition code. Make sure you^HT and VV DBH (in comments) if they shrink or stay the same size. DBH's have to remain the same or increase otherwise use appropriate condition code. Stand Dynamics System Field Remeasurement Manual 1 Public Lands and Forests Division paint lateral branch blue. All planted trees must be stem mapped and given crown classes, even those in regeneration plots. At establishment all seedlings are pinned and numbered to a maximum of fifty. If there are less than fifty seedlings in the plot at establishment then only the amount present is pinned and tagged then when the plot is remeasured all ingress is tagged and numbered until a maximum of fifty in total is tagged and numbered, for example: Establishment in 1987-27 seedlings are pinned and tagged numbers used are 1001-1027 Remeasurement in 1989-2 seedlings have died and 14 ingress are found. All of the ingress is pinned and tagged bringing the total to 39 live seedlings and 2 dead = 41 total (last #1041). Remeasurement in 1991-4 more seedlings have died and 17 ingress are found. 9 of the ingress are pinned and tagged bringing the total number tagged to 50. The remaining 8 ingress are measured and recorded on the height class tally sheet. The total number of seedlings is now 44 live tagged seedlings, and 6 dead = 50 tagged, and 8 more recorded on the height class tally sheet (Figure 4.27). Numbers u...